Seniors Reflect on Their Year So Far


Senior Kiara Moore enlisted into the Navy at Busch Stadium.

Delaney Hart, Senior Editor

At the beginning of senior year most students were scared, lost little puppies. But now that the first semester is over they have all almost completely changed.

Senior Matea Trogrlic said, “At the beginning of the year I was kind of anxious and not looking forward to it.” She then said, “I am now motivated to get everything done and graduate.”

Many seniors feel like Matea, but a few of them are a little upset about growing up and leaving their home of four years.

“I made a great home and family at Hancock and to know that I will be leaving soon and might never step foot in my high school again makes me a little sad,” said senior Kiara Moore.

All feelings aside, all of the seniors have been working so hard to get everything done that is required to graduate. But they are all at different stages, some might feel like they are playing catch up, and others might feel like they need to slow down.

Trogrlic said, “I know that I am ahead of where I need to be.”

Most of the seniors are trying to get into the college they have always dreamed of. But not all seniors are going to college, some are going straight into the workforce, others are joining the military.

Future Navy chef Kiara Moore said, “Knowing the person that I am, I honestly think the Navy is the next best step in my life.”

It is also important to know that you don’t have to have your whole future figured out yet. You still have time for that. Just try and enjoy your last year at Hancock.

Moore said, “I think time is trying to tell us to enjoy the little bit of childhood we have left.”