Where Are They Now? Annalise Goeke, Class of ’13


Cheyenne Wilson, Junior

HHS alumna Annalise Goeke graduated in the class of 2013, since then she has found her new love for a certain type of science. 

“I had too many possibilities swirling around in my head,” Goeke said. “I ended up majoring in political science, with a focus on poverty alleviation.” 

Goeke didn’t just go to New York University (NYU) just for college, she decided to permanently move to New York and start her life. She works for the universities expository writing program (EWP), and she focuses on the backbone of the program. She maintains the course schedules, evaluation forms, and handles the faculty members’ research funds. 

“Currently I work at my alma mater, NYU,” Goeke said. “At first I worked at a non profit charity, but the pay wasn’t good. So I left, I’ve been working as admin staff for the university expository writing program for almost five years now.”

Some people remember everything from their high school years, for Goeke there’s only two fond memories she has. One being the senior class prank, (They camped out on the front lawn and took all the banners and strung them out like an obstacle course, and then they went to Steak N’ Shake at two in the morning), but the one meaning the most is super sentimental and heartwarming. 

“At graduation the whole class threw up their caps with the fake flower petals inside them in recognition of someone who wasn’t able to attend,” Goeke said. 

Sure there are many nerves and feelings when you leave high school thinking you’ll still talk to most of the kids, but for Goeke, New York felt like home for her pretty quick.

That said, it wasn’t easy and it certainly wasn’t without some apprehension that I made the decision to stay,” Goeke said. “I naturally lost contact with most while in college and even more so after I officially moved to New York for good. I do keep up with a number of the old teachers, mainly from middle school.”