Junior Immigrant Thrives in America


Mariam Mbukani, Senior

Ranim Husein is a junior at HHS. Ranim is an immigrant child who was born in Syria.  When she was 12 years old she moved to America with her family. 

Ranim did not speak or understand English until she started school. Her first day at school she was so nervous she didn’t know how to speak or understand English. She spent weeks getting herself comfortable. It was a hard time for her.  She went to Gateway Stem High School.

One year later Ranim started to speak and understand English. In her freshman year she moved to  Lemay and she started going to HHS.  “Because we changed our house to Lemay and HPHS is a peaceful school, ” Husein said.  

There is something negative/positive she sees at HHS  “Something positive about this school is the way they teach English to anyone who doesn’t speak English is just so good. Something negative is that when I moved here to HHS they made me learn the same thing twice that I had already learned in my old school,” Husein said.

She wants to go to college and study nursing. “I want to go to college because I want to be a nurse,” Husein said.  

She has been at HHS for three years now but she saw something different about this school year “Something different about this school year is learning more English and the way they teach makes you understand easily,” Husein said. 

Something she wishes she could change about this school is to end fights and make students respect each other. “I wish I could make more roles like stopping fights and making students be respectful to everyone,” she said.