Cold Classrooms


Mr. Garascia is freezing outside the PAWS room.

Mackenzie Large and Clowey Bell

Freezing, cold, arctic, and frigid are just a few words HHS students use to describe how cold the HPHS classrooms can be. These cold temperatures are an inconvenience to the education of students. They can deter student learning and lesson plans that teachers have.

“Everyday [the cold] is horrible, but some days are worse than others,” said Mrs. Bromberg, a science teacher. 

Some days are so low that teachers, like Mrs. Bromberg, find it easier to just go outside and do class there, rather than struggle with trying to keep students focused.  Students with shorts or short sleeved shirts on, have to go through the day with such low temperatures, and yet have to try to focus on their education. Not only does the cold affect students, but teachers are affected too.

“I think the coldest my classroom has ever been is 55 degrees, and I know that because the principal came in here with a temperature gauge,” Mr. Tidwell, one of the math teachers, said.

Since Fall is on the way, it’s 80 degrees outside and kids come into school wearing summer wear, but it feels like winter inside. There are a lot of students wearing shorts and hoodies, trying to balance with the difference of temperatures.

Kaley Holmes, a freshman, said, “You have to suffer if you don’t have a jacket or coat.”

In conclusion, students and teachers have to suffer every day, because of the cold classrooms. This becomes a hassle, but one way to beat being cold is to keep a jacket or coat in your locker and dress warmer.