Sophomore Landen Gunter has a very interesting hobby that most people may not know about. He makes figures and even sells them. He has been making figures for about eight years.
Gunter gets all the parts for his figures as he needs them.
“It depends on what you’re trying to make,” Gunter said. “It is either you’re trying to salvage parts from previous figures you already made with a combination of possibly hot glue to form certain parts you don’t have which it’s really flexible so it can get really good for things that don’t necessarily need to be in like a rougher spiky hard material. It’s a great alternative to form extra parts if you need it, and that’s mainly how I make the parts.”
Gunter was inspired and started making his own figures.
“Just seeing other people do it online and I thought maybe I could do it one day,” Gunter recalls. “I remember I started off really simple, just painting a mini Lego figure. You know, I just had to keep it simple for the time. I was only like, 9 and it was rough gotta admit but you’re not going to be good when you start, and now recently I just started selling my customs for an upward of 200 dollars apiece.”
Gunter never gets any assistance from anyone when he is creating these figures.
“I do it all myself,” Gunter said. “The closest thing I ever gotten to assistance is going to a public community and getting tips, but that’s overall about it.”
Gunter sells these figures for a decent amount of money.
“Average about 100-200,” Gunter said. “Lowest, I say, about 50?”
Gunter feels as if making figures helps him relax and forget about everything.
“While seeing the finished product does have an impact and you know seeing the overall design,” he said. “I feel like the other part of it is being comfortable with doing the actual process itself It’s kind of hard to describe, but it’s very relaxing it’s something you can do without thinking about everything else.”
Gunter says it takes a while for him to create figures.
“Depending on what kind of custom I’m creating, it can either take a few hours up to a few days, sometimes a week,” he said. “Sometimes it takes me even longer to get all the parts because the parts themselves for the things you create getting them from other figures that actually effectively make it look smooth it takes time to get rare expensive parts like that.”