HHS is offering a new computer science class this year. Innovative Technology Teacher, Mr. Eric North is now teaching the class.
A new Missouri state requirement issued this year states that every high school has to offer a computer science course.
“We have been allowed to do it through the Code.org organization,” North said. Code.org is a website used in other technology classes here at HHS.
However, this new class offers a different material than any other classes taught here.
“This course is different from my innovative technology course because it is strictly a computer science course,” North said.
Much of the class is taught through group activities, which are then related back to computer science scenarios.
“It’s very hands-on, and we work together a lot,” Brenna Gaines, 11th grade computer science student, said.
In this course, North said, students learn about programming in Python, specifically as it applies to the internet, applications, and software. Additionally, they learn about ethical situations in technology, cybersecurity, data storage, and manipulation.
Although some of these concepts are taught in other classes, they are not nearly as in-depth as Computer Science Principles.
Being able to do a more in-depth Computer Science course is largely due to the new block scheduling HHS is implementing this year.
This class has been attempted before. “We just could not figure out a way to make it work in our schedule,” North stated. As a requirement of the state of Missouri, HHS didn’t have a choice but to offer it, but having the new schedule with 8 blocks instead of 7 helped.
Being able to offer this class opens new doors for students. The class is meant to help students build their skills in computer science and help them identify possible career fields they could go into.
This class could also eventually get students college credit. “We hope to be able to offer the class as an AP course in the future,” North said.